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Software : Screenwriting

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Final Draft 7


In a business that's all about buzz, Final Draft should enjoy plenty of the good kind--by keeping what works, and adding new features, the latest versions of this scriptwriting software is sure to ret... rating

Final Draft 6


In a business that's all about buzz, Final Draft 6.0 should enjoy plenty of the good kind--by keeping what works, and adding new features, the latest versions of this scriptwriting software is sure to... rating

Movie Magic Screenwriter


Write screenplays! Collaborate with your partner! Hear your script performed! Movie Magic Screenwriter won't find you an agent or sell your work, but it enables point-and-poke writers to create an acc... rating

Guide to Bookstore Ratings


Awesome - this item rocks!


Good - a worthy addition to your arsenal.


Adequate - it'll get the job done.


Poor - but it has it's uses.


Dire - don't waste your time!


Unrated - the jury is still out

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