Blog Archive
All of our posts for filmmakers.

12 Angry Men- A Lesson in Staging
Using Sidney Lumet's '12 Angry Men', Andrew Saladino from The Royal Ocean Film Society looks at how blocking a...

How to Make a Blockbuster Movie Trailer
The super-talented Craven Moorhaus and Zak Koonce (aka Auralnauts) have created the perfect blueprint for your...

Common Mistakes Directors Make When Adapting a Book into a Movie
News that a certain beloved book is being adapted into a movie or even worse, a blockbuster, is concomitantly ...

Clint Eastwood Gives the Cinema Masterclass at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival
The Master Class is an annual festival fixture in which a respected film practitioner is invited to talk about...

How to Film Safely at Height
Leila Jones looks at the regulations and best practice approaches to keeping your crew (and yourself) safe whe...

Behind the Scenes With the New RED Weapon 8K Camera on Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2
Go behind the scenes with Guardians' Director James Gunn and Director of Photography Henry Braham, BSC as they...

The Economist Thinks We've Reached 'Peak Indie'
Anyone working in the indie scene over the past few years will have noted the paradox that now exists between ...

Pixar in a Box - Free 9 Part Course in Storytelling
Khan Academy has teamed up with the master storysmiths at Pixar to provide a video course in the art of storyt...

Financing Your Short Film - Three Ways to Bypass Industry Gatekeepers
Thomas Verdi from The Film Fund looks at the realities of trying to crowd-fund a short film and discusses some...