Kodak to offer free filmstock to Kickstarer filmmakers
By Benjamin Craig | 04-May-2016

Reports of the death of film may be greatly slightly exaggerated. Kodak has announced a partnership with Kickstarer which will see the former industry giant supplying free 35mm and super 16mm stock to selected feature film projects, correlated to the amount the project raises on the crowd-funding platform.
Reports of the death of film may be greatly slightly exaggerated. Kodak has announced a partnership with Kickstarer which will see the former industry giant supplying free 35mm and super 16mm stock to selected feature film projects, correlated to the amount the project raises on the crowd-funding platform.
Would be Michael Ciminos will be sad to learn that the offer does come with caps, but the good news is that Kodak will help make up the difference with discounts on the additional stock requirements. In addition, projects which are accepted into the program will also receive mentoring support from uber-agency, William Morris Endeavor.
Read the full press release at Kodak.