Mehka King
The 30 year old Mehka King is a freelance writer by trade with credits in XXL, Slam, Rolling Out, yoraps.com to name a few. In 2010 he used his writing talent to help create his first film project "Crown Royalty: The history of Charlotte hip-hop" through his company Invisible Man Media. The documentary covered the fledgling local hip-hop scene in Charlotte NC. The film was met with great reviews both local and nationally.
Currently Mehka working on his latest film project "In the mix: DJs doing work" about DJs in hip-hop. He's also close to finishing his first book, a collection of short stories, poetry and essays titled "Catastrophic collapse of time management"
To contact Mehka direct email him at mehka@invisiblemanmedia.com And for more information on "In the mix: DJs doing work" check out djsdoingwork.blogspot.com for behind the scenes photos, videos and press releases.