Stacey Parks
Miss Parks began her entertainment career at Poly Gram Records in Paris, France as an International Marketing assistant. After returning to the U.S, she entered the William Morris Agency as an assistant in the Soundtrack division, and later moved to the Independent Film division where she learned film financing, packaging, and pre-sales from the pros. After leaving William Morris, Miss Parks went to work as Associate Producer on Shadow Magic (Sony Pictures Classics), one of the first international co-productions to be shot in the People’s Republic of China.
In 2001 Miss Parks paired up with British P.R guru Lynne Franks and directed and produced a series of short documentaries for SEED TV in London. After returning to Los Angeles from London, she began work at Echelon Entertainment as V.P of international sales, and later moved on to ACT 1 Entertainment where she was also V.P of International Sales. After spending years as a foreign sales agent, she decided to write a book entitled "Insiders Guide to Film Distribution", since there was nothing else on the market that told the actual truth to filmmakers about the distribution game.
Miss Parks currently resides in Los Angeles, California where she is a Sales Executive at BBC Worldwide.
Stacey Parks is the author of "Insider’s Guide to Film Distribution", a comprehensive manual for filmmakers and producers dedicated to film distribution and the marketplace. Stacey has worked in Independent film for over ten years and is currently an Independent Sales Rep. She was previously a Foreign Sales Agent for several years. You can purchase "Insiders Guide to Film Distribution", as well as sign up for a free distribution eCourse at www.film-distribution-secrets.com.