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Do you have the contact details for ...?

Frequently asked question for

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world work in film and associated media. There are many ways to contact them, none of which are through

Email Addresses
Now that over 90% of global email traffic is spam, most people no longer publish their personal email addresses in public. This can make it very difficult to locate an address for a certain individual. Many people also find unsolicited email intrusive so it's normally better these days to make first contact with someone via post or on the telephone.

Social Media
Many people use social media for professional purposes these days, so it's always worth checking to see if your target is active on Twitter or has a profile on LinkedIn.

The Internet Movie Database offers a subscription service which amongst other things allows you access to contact/agent details for a huge number of actors and film industry people. The subscription fees are very reasonable and open up a range of IMDB services.

Cinando is an online service which was spun out of the Marché du Film, the world's largest film market which is attached to the Cannes Film Festival. Cinando has since expanded to cover other major film markets and is now one of the most comprehensive databases of contact details for film industry professionals around the world. It's a membership-based service which requires an annual fee, but the rates are reasonable and you get a free year's access when you register for events like the Marché du Film.

Who Represents?
If you are looking for the contact details for an actor or filmmaker's agent, check Who Represents. It's a subscripton service, but very thorough. You can also use IMDB Pro for this function.

In The Real World...
People had to find each other before the Internet existed, so don't just limit your search to online means. Try the old fashioned methods of phone books, directory assistance (most phone companies offer local and international services).

Other useful ways of finding people are using Production Guides and Government Film Offices and various industry bodies.

Last updated 24-Mar-2021

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