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Adobe Premiere Pro Bible

By Adele Droblas, Seth Greenberg

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Whether you're an Adobe Premiere Pro expert or a beginner, you'll find all the tutorials, tips, and tricks you'll need to start producing sophisticated digital video productions using the latest features. From capturing video onto your desktop and editing several clips together to creating unforgettable special effects and outputting your movie to DVD or the Web, this completely updated and revised reference is the one guidebook that helps you do it all. Inside, you'll find complete coverage of Adobe Premiere Pro Save time when creating projects by customizing Adobe Premiere Pro Import video directly into Premiere from a digital or analog camcorder Add rolling and scrolling credits and create eye-catching titles Apply advanced editing techniques such as 3- and 4-point edits, and use Rolling Edit and Ripple Edit tools Integrate narration, music, and sound effects with your own video images Incorporate motion effects using the Motion dialog box Export QuickTime and AVI movies using the specific settings that produce best results.

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