3 New Skills Every Digital Editor Should Develop
By Danny Groner | 16-Oct-2013

Even veteran filmmakers who have a certain defined and reliable style should think about how they can make their projects better. It's relatively easy these days to pick up new skills, thanks to the proliferation and accessibility of online training and tutorials. With digital editing programs, you can give your videos a new look and feel, and overall approach.
Having more options in your arsenal will make you more renowned, too. As online video has become more prominent, videomakers are forced to do new things to attract audiences and keep them transfixed. Here's a look at three areas worth the investment:
Editing Skills
The name of the game in video creation these days is narrative storytelling, and the best method to keeping your audience engaged and satisfied is through invisible cuts. Learn different ways to cover a cut in Avid. Those with experience on larger productions may be partial to visible cuts, but having the ability to also know when to use invisible cuts to tell a story will make a difference. You can learn more about invisible cuts at Shutterstock.
Technical Skills
Lots of filmmakers have discovered the power in placing a video inside of text. It makes for a really cool effect -- and it's not even that difficult to do. But, like with everything, some people have begun to push the limits and wonder what it would be like if you could layer multiple videos inside of the same text. This is just one example of how digital editing has brought video to new horizons. Experimentation is a crucial part of the creative process.
Promotional Skills
Just because you have the technical skills doesn't mean you have the marketing skills to back it up. Without them, you might be the best digital editor, but you wouldn't wind up finding any work... because nobody would know about you. For your portfolio, as you'll be competing against others, you'll want to include an awesome intro or outro video. This is how you'll leave your mark with a potential client. Remember, it's a slightly different audience than what you're used to entertaining. Keep things professional and polished at first so you can earn the right to really blow them away down the line.
Danny Groner is the manager of blogger partnerships and outreach for Shutterstock and Skillfeed.